
  • Enforcing Code Style using Pester

    As part of an ongoing effort to improve code quality and consistency across the company we decided to apply the same principles to PowerShell code as we would apply to our C# and other code, since code is code no matter what language it is written in or who maintains it. With this in mind a few of us sat down many months ago and figured out what our style should be using the community style guide as a baseline and picking the things we’d like to apply. With these basic guidelines decided it was up to me to enforce these in some way, and Pester as my tool of choice.

  • [Scriptblock] and ConvertTo-Json: a match made in recursive hell

    I’ve been working on JeaDsc off and on for a few months to improve on the original project and make it available in the PowerShell Gallery. The biggest bug it’s currently got is that it doesn’t compare an existing configuration against a new one very well, especially for complex configurations. For a DSC resource this is a huge problem and something I’ve been wanting to fix got a little while. As part of fixing it I came across this wonderful problem with ConvertTo-Json.

  • Finding Default Parameter Values with the AST

    As part of a big refactor on an internal module I’ve decided to add a big pile of Pester tests. The module was lacking them previously due to various reasons and this seemed like the perfect oppurtunity to add them.

    With my Pester test suites one of the things I like to do is have a bunch of tests for parameters and their various attributes that I want to ensure are correctly set. Previously I’d focused on the easy things like aliases, mandatory-ness, pipeline input etc. but this time I wanted to check for default values since we make use of them in a few places.

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